It’s been a week we will all remember. Record low temperatures, broken water pipes, power outages, car accidents, disruptions to the supply chain that brings food and prescription drugs to our homes. Complex weather related decisions for school districts already dealing with pandemic issues.
At Arkansas Good Roads we understand that one of the reasons we build and maintain roads in the heat of July, is so you can drive safer when it’s five below in February. We hope your travels have been slow but safe this week.
Please be careful out there. Slow down. Take a breath. Stay home if you can. And if you have a moment, thank a health care worker, a truck driver, a police officer, a tow truck operator, a teacher, or any of the other brave people working hard this week to try to help us find something like normalcy when nothing is really normal. The good news is that Arkansas is a small state where people care about each other. Especially during tough weeks like this. We have all seen that over and over.
Our friends at ARDOT have built an app called I Drive Arkansas that allows you to see where the worst road conditions are. If you get a moment check it out. From all our Arkansas Good Roads members……please stay safe out there.