Highway 67’s Big Upgrade: Arkansas’s Path to Interstate 57 for Economic Growth

For those of you who have traveled Highway 67 in Arkansas for years, a major change is coming. The road will be converted to Interstate 57 and will eventually run from Chicago to North Little Rock. Over the past 60 years, $5 billion dollars has been spent on this project. The next section of the new interstate to be developed will run between Walnut Ridge, Arkansas and Sikeston, Missouri. But while that long term work is underway, you will see the new I 57 signs very soon.
The larger goal with this work is for I 57 to be the connection between I 30 and I 40 in Central Arkansas to the nation’s primary east west routes such as 70, 80, and 90. Perhaps the most tangible local impact of this work for some of you will be the reduction in local traffic between West Memphis and Little Rock.
The designation of any road as a federal interstate requires an Act of Congress. Back in 2017 US Highway 67 between North Little Rock and Walnut Ridge was designated as “Future Highway 57”.
As State Representative Brian Evans said this week, “ We know that good roads matter to all of us. Today we celebrate a transformation that opens doors for new economic opportunity. This easier north south access will mean more jobs and economic growth for Arkansas.”